I was finding it difficult to elevate my "foolishness" energy. Energy which let me drive through clouded mountain road with my instinct driving towards my goal......and.........I feel intellectual exuberance with information flowing from unconscious to conscious ...........
I missed this driving force for some time now.
This week end I was in a training session on Transaction analysis for personal excellence.
I realised.............
we must let the drama happen around you.
.......Better if it happen on stage.
we should never allow the drama to happen inside you.
You should not ........ belittle yourself or.............. try to get one up position over yourself or......... tell your self " I cant cope with this".
we do split our self in these situations by playing game between our rational self , our Child hood/early life learnings and what has been embedded into us by our parental figures.
Which ever part of our SELF wins........it will let other SELF peaceful. this in turn bring down energy.
Some more learnings from the session...........
We rarely stop and ask this question..........what is the end game..........what do I want from this life...... probably 5 question we can dwell upon
- What do you want to happen in this life?
- What will leave you satisfied with this life?
- What would leave you dissatisfied with this life?
- What is your strategy to prevent disappointment?
- What is your strategy to get satisfaction?
No right or wrong answer............start your search for answers.......
We spend our time in :
- Doing nothing with outer world.
- Doing some familiar and repeated stuff which we do every day &/or every month &/or every week &/or every year.
- Doing thing without any action or target or aim or result.
- Doing thing to get specific result or achieve specific goal.
- Doing something to get 'result A' but externally it looks like we are working towards getting 'result B'
- Doing things to completely express our true feeling without any kind of censoring.
We always strive achieve certain very personal portfolio of everything at its best balance. Depending upon of our life experiences, Age, relationships, environment etc............the portfolio balance keep changing and internal expectation of what should this balance be........also changes.
If we you look at item 4 where we doing something to get specific result this comes to close to our work/job. This can again be broken 6 same parts.
The optimum balance of these 6 which we want to achieve in any given time and what we actual have on hand. the gap creates our satisfaction with either our life or with our job.
And while driving back on that end..............I saw a line "Nothing is impossible" behind a car...............but somehow on that day that didn't make sense..............I felt it is better to say "everything is possible".
"Nothing is impossible" sounded like "Nothing is impossible to ME"
"everything is possible". sounded like ""everything is possible to EVERYONE".
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