Don't know why this question keep coming back to my mind. During this travel.
My talk was scheduled for next day. I must say it went very well. People provided me very good feedback. Also it was the satisfaction of being able to share my thoughts. it was fantastic , full filling experience.
I got into Bangalore airport on 21st night. Landed in Singapore @ around 5.30AM.....reached the Hotel Amara by 7.30. It is a "OK-Kind" hotel. Not very impressed. Got my self ready for pre-workshop for the seminar. It went well. Met people with similar interest in HR shared Service and payroll.
I am now been invited next conference in September. I am preparing myself for the same.
Also other team working with for being conference advisory board . It is all a very good opportunity to stay connected with latest trends in HR shared service & payroll market. Especially outsourcing model each company is working on.
After 3 day at was time to clear my back log actions.
Than moved to Malaysia. Went on Friday morning flight from Singapore. It is 35 min flight. My office in Ptronous twin tower.completed my meetings by evening and than at 4PM I realised my flight is at 6.50PM ( I somehow thought it is at 8.50PM). So I rushed a taxi. Taxi guy was an 3rd generation Indian in Malaysia. The travel time to Airport in approximately 45 min. But due to some traffic congestion in freeway...........i was delayed. I started discussing Malaysia economy with cab driver. He felt there wasn't much impact on him due to rescission. He was of the past decade......his income and expense both has gone up substantially and he is able to save up to 20% of his income .
Reached airport and I was last one to chk in...i had few along with me. Than pleaded with immigration for early clearance in the que. finally boarded flight just in time . Got back to Singapore...........fully tiered.
In Singapore, getting Indian food is never a problem........
...if you are in little India than you get better India food than you get in India.
Went Ananda Bhavan on Saturday and went Mustafa to buy few toys for my son.
Saturday evening I visited one of my friends......for dinner.
Had very informative chat about life in Singapore.
Sunday i fully kept it for my self to rest and blog.
Will keep you posted on next two days in Singapore.