Though there can be multiple combinations of being care taker and earner for the family. Which driven predominantly by cultural influence towards gender and age.
Love and respect to each other in family is the factor which sustains the happiness or help families to come out of hard time. Its balance or excess of both is very important while excess of both can be a bliss....:-)
It is important to understand one more aspect as well at the core..... once Rishi Yagnavalka told his wife Maitreyi "Ah, you are very dear to me, and dear is what you say! Come, sit down. I will explain to you. But while I am explaining, you must try to think carefully of what I say." Then he said: "Now hear what is true.
It is not for love of the husband that a husband is dear, but for love of the Atman a husband is dear.
Truly, it is not for love of the wife that a wife is dear, but for the love of the Atman a wife is dear . . .
Truly, it is not for the love of wealth that wealth is dear, but for the love of the Atman wealth is dear."