I Changed my Job......I moved from Microsoft to Honeywell. Yes, You are correct...I moved to my earlier company.
How I did:
I am not trying to tell you..... how I changed the job. I am want share how I arrived at decision to change the job. In reality it was not a decision to change the job . It was a decision to re consolidate my strength position .
First steps happened to be i choosing a NLP based experience with "fire walk". I did walk on hot coal. It was about understanding your fears and finding your real you. yes...i realised...real identity inside is by default is of strength but it get shaded by fears which we don't even recognise.
Than....i wanted to learn the skills of understanding our selves and understanding other at this deeper level. That made me to learn NLP....I went up to NLP master practitioner certification.
I started assessing myself.
My first stop was.....understanding what is my life goals are....I did found out ... " My life is about Being honest, successful, keeping family happy and above all being “myself” ". I was able to touch on my identity as I see myself .... "Selfish fool". This fitted very well with what I truly believe and what ever I have done till date .
Next stop was at understand at personal level dissect my Characteristic and behaviour. Tony Robbins personal strength and behaviour mapping helped me a lot as first step.
I went further with much known methods of assessing my strength and character types ( they cost you a bit but worth every penny!!!).
1. "Strength Finder 2.0" by Tom Rath.....Gallup Press.
2. "Emotional Intelligence 2.0" by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves......TalentSmart.
3. Mayer-Briggs personality test
These helped me to identify my strengths, Character type, My core interests & Environment I work which will help me to do my best.
Final part was my resume to state what my skills stand for.... "My area of expertise include payroll transformation, HR service Implementation & operation, HR service Outsourcing Strategy and governance. I am a certified Six sigma Black Belt & Lean expert. I am also a Master NLP practitioner. My leadership style is of “Service leader”." .
All this took close to 11 months to come together and make sense. Than I told my self..........if these are the things about me which will make me successful or failure than this what an organisation should know if they hire me or have already hired me.....apart from my resume. So I created my resume what I call "Why...How...What ....resume". An approach to make your representation inside out rather than outside in with a conventional resume.
I believe ...if you fully focus on something and work your way towards it. Than what you wished for will get realised. I got opportunity from Honeywell at this point. It all came together well. So I joined Honeywell.
It was also important at this point for me to understand how this can be a good choice in terms of environment to express my skill and behaviour. Moving from a environment which has single Industry, $ 60Billion revenue with 40% Gross margin company to a Multi industry, $32 Billion revenue with 24% Gross margin....... it was choice about....which drives urgency and strategic position a Share Service takes in each company.
Why I did:
This is my attempt to align self with my strengths, environment & behaviour .
as an end note......you always get what you always really wanted as long you know what you really want. Do take time to find out what you REALLY want. Crux is knowing WHAT YOU REALLY WANT.
As I always did from past 5 years...... I continue to do my Life planning than just carreer planning. I belive this make your work life less stressful as you know exactly why you are doing what you are doing.